Light Work: Workshops and Seminars

Jakki is available to speak at workshops, gatherings, or for your private groups or clubs. She is also available to assist at young adult functions. Contact us with your event details. Be sure to include the location, number of guests, and focus of discussion for your group. Jakki will followup to discuss details.

Love is the Answer

Love is a very powerful word, and it is the most important word in the world. If every individual could feel from within the love deep inside his heart, love and light would shine so bright, creating peace throughout the world.


A “Love” talk is very spiritual. Jakki helps participants feel the love and light within so they can share their love with others.



Compromise is easy to reach if we let go of ego. Why is it that most people choose to be right, rather than choosing love? This talk highlights questions to ask yourself when you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are right, but your answer will cause hurt and pain. It’s important to always feel your spirit inside, guiding you towards love and light for the right answer.


Facing Fear

Fear is a state of mind that no one should feel or experience, but yet we do. Jakki will share a few eerie, personal experiences giving light to the meaning. Maybe you’ve been in a similar situation and can identify. Jakki shows participants the light within fear and everything that happens is in divine order.

Email or complete the form below to schedule a workshop with Jakki.
